Episode 71

Published on:

7th Feb 2024

Episode 71: Visualization | Morning Routine

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For more information on meditation, mindset, and mindful movement services Jess offers, visit www.yogastorynow.com.

Thank you for meditating with me today!

Meditation Script:

As you rise from sleep, take a moment here to envision your morning routine. Finding a

deep breath in, deep breath out, observe the present moment, how and where your

body is positioned. Observe places of tension or ease in your body. Do you feel

energized or tired? Notice the air on your skin, the aromas on the air as you

breathe in. Notice the sounds around you, any taste on your tongue.

Remaining still and relaxed in this moment, visualize yourself rising to your feet,

imagining the feel of your hips and knees, the support of the ground beneath

your feet. Visualize the first step forward into your day. Perhaps you prepare

for exercise or enjoy a glass of water or walk to the bathroom to relieve

yourself of waste, then get clean, brush teeth, freshen yourself up for the

day, get dressed. Take note of your visualized activities, asking yourself, “How

do I want to show up today? How can I prepare my body and mind to show up well?”

Find a deep breath in, deep breath out, transitioning with ease to each next task.

Imagine breathing into your actions and through your routine.

Visualize a gentle stretching sequence to help relieve tension, imagine breathing into

each stretch. Visualize making your way to the kitchen to make your coffee or tea or

smoothie. Imagine moving through each step, the effort of your hands, arms, and

shoulders. Imagine the weight of your glass or mug. Visualize taking in the

warm or cool liquid. Does part of your morning routine include making a meal? Envision

the steps, the feel of your body as you assemble the items needed to make your

meal. Imagine the smells and tastes and the feel of chewing and ingesting. Imagine

the ease of your body as you move through each part of your routine. Perhaps

you imagine including something new. Or if you don’t keep a regular routine,

perhaps you explore what it might feel like to step into a routine, a pattern

or ritual of habits that you automatically keep to in order to set up your day

for success, to show up at your best in body and mind. Does your routine

include journaling or a written or spoken offering of gratitude? Imagine

holding a pen or pencil in your hand, sitting down with a notebook in front of

your, writing about how you’re feeling in this moment or writing a list of

things you’re thankful for.

If there are other people included as part of your morning routine, take a moment to

acknowledge your role in their space and their role in yours. Are you getting children

ready for school, waking up a partner, working out with a friend? What is the

final activity of your morning routine? Visualize that here, enjoying a deep

breath in, deep breath out.

Move into your day, ready to begin. Thank you for meditating with me. Peace.

Written + Performed by Jessica Haessly

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About the Podcast

The Meditation Well
Mini Guided Meditations for All
Each of us is a container for sensation, thought, emotion, and whole-body experience. Through guided meditation we can gain access to a deeper sense of peace and calm that exists deep within each of us. The more we meditate, the more we draw upon the well of calm within, increasing our ability to manage stress, regulate emotion, and focus.

Jess guides each 2-10 minute journey, drawing on her yoga + mindfulness meditation background to help empower all meditators from beginners to long-time practitioners to invite into their week a moment of deep observation, calm, and rest.

Join Jess 3 times per week in The Meditation Well.

About your host

Profile picture for Jess Haessly

Jess Haessly

Jess is a Yoga + Meditation + Mindset Coach and Founder of Yoga Story in Appleton, Wisconsin. With 7+ years of teaching experience, a focus on mindfulness-based meditation, and a deep interest in the neuroscience and research behind yoga + meditation practices, Jess uses her knowledge, intuition, and soothing voice to empower individuals to find peace within even just for a moment.