Episode 64

Published on:

22nd Jan 2024

Episode 64: Moving Meditation | Hips

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For more information on meditation, mindset, and mindful movement services Jess offers, visit www.yogastorynow.com.

Thank you for meditating with me today!

Meditation Script:

Today we’ll focus on hip mobility. Modify suggested movement

as your body needs. Begin lying on your back, feet planted on the ground,

hip-width apart. Find a deep breath in, deep breath out. As you breathe in,

feel your belly rise with your inhale, fall with your exhale. On your next

exhale, actively press your lower back toward the ground, engaging lower

abdominal muscles. Relax, inhale. Exhale, press the low back toward the ground,

tilting the pelvis back. Inhale, relax, feeling a gentle tilt of your pelvis

forward. Once more on your own, moving with your breath.

Next breath in, lift your knees up above your hips. Exhale,

press your heels toward the ceiling, toward the sky. As you breathe in, gently

rotate your heels in toes out. Exhale, rotate toes in, heels out. Alternate

external and internal hip rotation. Inhale, external, toes out, heels in.

Exhale, internal, toes in, heels out. Once more, on your own, with your breath.

Supine twist. Feet planted on the ground or knees above your

hips, let your knees fall to one side, gazing up or opposite your knees. Stay

for two deep breaths in and out through your nose. Arms open to a T or hands

resting on your body. Relax your shoulders. Relax your face, fingers, toes. Next

inhale, bring your knees back to center. Exhale, let your knees fall to the

other side, gazing up or opposite your knees. Breathe, relaxing whatever you


Bringing your knees back to center, roll to one side, or

rock up to seated. Bing the soles of your feet together, let your knees

butterfly, bound angle pose. Resting your hands over your shins, peace fingers

(Index and middle finger) wrapped around your big toes, or hands under your

feet, inhale sitting tall. Exhale, hinge at your hips to a gentle fold, drawing

your chest toward you, easing your shoulders back.

Rise up to a tall seat, inhale. Extend your legs long, deep

breath in. As you exhale, make your way onto your back. Plant your feet on the ground.

Cross right ankle over left thigh, let your right knee open to the right in a

figure four. Supine half-pigeon. Feel free to keep your left foot anchored to

the ground or lift your legs up toward your chest, resting your hands over your

right shin or clasping fingers behind your left thigh to draw your legs toward

you for a stretch through your outer hip and glute. Breathe.

Next exhale, plant both feet on the ground. Switch. Left

ankle over right thigh. Same options. Right foot on the ground or legs lifted.

Hands on the left shin or clasped behind your right thigh. Notice the stretch.


Next exhale, plant both feet on the ground. Extend your legs

long, reach your arms up overhead, full body stretch. Inhale. Exhale, rest your

arms alongside your body, letting your feet fall open. Notice the sensation through

your hips. Notice any difference in sensation from left hip to right hip.

Observe the connection of hips to thighs. Noticing sensation at the joint. Deep

breath in. Deep breath out. Next inhale, imagine bringing air in from the tips

of your toes to the top of your hips and up to your belly, feeling your belly

rise. As you breathe out, imagine sending your breath down from hips to toes,

feeling your belly fall.

Notice thoughts or emotions that arrive. Feel what arrives, let

go whatever you can. Breathe. Rest here, or move into your day with renewed

mobility and strength. Thank you for moving with me. Peace.

Written + Performed by Jessica Haessly

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About the Podcast

The Meditation Well
Mini Guided Meditations for All
Each of us is a container for sensation, thought, emotion, and whole-body experience. Through guided meditation we can gain access to a deeper sense of peace and calm that exists deep within each of us. The more we meditate, the more we draw upon the well of calm within, increasing our ability to manage stress, regulate emotion, and focus.

Jess guides each 2-10 minute journey, drawing on her yoga + mindfulness meditation background to help empower all meditators from beginners to long-time practitioners to invite into their week a moment of deep observation, calm, and rest.

Join Jess 3 times per week in The Meditation Well.

About your host

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Jess Haessly

Jess is a Yoga + Meditation + Mindset Coach and Founder of Yoga Story in Appleton, Wisconsin. With 7+ years of teaching experience, a focus on mindfulness-based meditation, and a deep interest in the neuroscience and research behind yoga + meditation practices, Jess uses her knowledge, intuition, and soothing voice to empower individuals to find peace within even just for a moment.