Episode 59

Published on:

10th Jan 2024

Episode 59: Mindfulness | Head

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For more information on meditation, mindset, and mindful movement services Jess offers, visit www.yogastorynow.com.

Thank you for meditating with me today!

Meditation Script:

Position your body in any way that allows you to feel both alert and relaxed. As you

breathe in, notice any tension held in your body. As you breathe out, relax whatever

you can from the crown of your head to your fingers and toes.

Bring your attention to your head, neck, and face. First, become aware of your cervical

spine, the upper part of your spine that runs along the back of your neck up to

the base of your skull. Observe any tension or ease along your neck muscles

from the muscles that run along either side of your spine to your throat

muscles. Bring attention to your jaw, following the line of your jaw from your

chin to each of your ears. In this moment, notice what you hear—traffic or

wind, the hum of appliances, my voice, your breathing. Bring attention to your

lower lip, upper lip, lower set of teeth, upper set of teeth, your gums, your

tongue. Bring attention to any taste on your tongue—bitter, sour, salty, sweet.

Direct your awareness to your nostrils, the tip of your nose, the bridge of

your nose. As you breathe in, notice what you smell. What aromas arrive? Notice

any sensation along your eyelids, eyes, tear ducts. Eyes closed or open, notice

what you see—colors, shapes, motion, stillness. Bring attention to the back of

your head, any hair draped over your head. Observe the sensation along any

exposed skin where your hair falls. Become aware of the top or crown of your


As you allow yourself to notice the sensations present from your head, neck, and

face, invite loving acceptance to whatever you experience. As you invite acceptance

to your sensory experience, notice what, if anything, changes whether in your sensory,

mental, or emotional experience. Enjoy a deep breath in, deep breath out.

In this moment, if you can, invite a smile to your face, finding full acceptance of

your senses and an increased sensitivity to your sensory experience as you rest

or move through your day. Thank you for meditating with me. Peace.

Written + Performed by Jessica Haessly

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About the Podcast

The Meditation Well
Mini Guided Meditations for All
Each of us is a container for sensation, thought, emotion, and whole-body experience. Through guided meditation we can gain access to a deeper sense of peace and calm that exists deep within each of us. The more we meditate, the more we draw upon the well of calm within, increasing our ability to manage stress, regulate emotion, and focus.

Jess guides each 2-10 minute journey, drawing on her yoga + mindfulness meditation background to help empower all meditators from beginners to long-time practitioners to invite into their week a moment of deep observation, calm, and rest.

Join Jess 3 times per week in The Meditation Well.

About your host

Profile picture for Jess Haessly

Jess Haessly

Jess is a Yoga + Meditation + Mindset Coach and Founder of Yoga Story in Appleton, Wisconsin. With 7+ years of teaching experience, a focus on mindfulness-based meditation, and a deep interest in the neuroscience and research behind yoga + meditation practices, Jess uses her knowledge, intuition, and soothing voice to empower individuals to find peace within even just for a moment.