Episode 44

Published on:

6th Dec 2023

Episode 44: Loving-Kindness | Heartbeat

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For more information on meditation, mindset, and mindful movement services Jess offers, visit www.yogastorynow.com.

Thank you for meditating with me today!

Meditation Script:

Find a comfortable place to be in your body, seated or lying

down. Allow yourself to exist in a state of both awareness and rest. Relax your

shoulders. Relax your face, fingers, and toes. Give yourself permission to

relax physically, mentally, emotionally. Find a deep breath in, deep breath


Bring to mind someone in your life who is easy to love. What

makes them easy to love? What support do they offer? What kind acts do they

perform? Why do you feel loving toward this person? Imagine looking into this

person’s eyes and hearing the sound of their heartbeat. Now, bring attention to

your own heartbeat. Keeping this person in mind, imagine sending to this person

these words, “May you feel loved. May you feel loved. May you feel love.”

Breathe in, breathe out.

Bring to mind someone for whom you have neutral feelings. This

can be anyone you might see fairly regularly, or perhaps have only seen once,

and do not know well. Imagine looking into this person’s eyes and hearing the

sound of their heartbeat. Now, bring attention to your own heartbeat. Keeping

this person in mind, imagine sending to this person these words, “May you feel

loved. May you feel loved. May you feel love.” Breathe in, breathe out.

Bring to mind a challenging person in your life. This may be

someone who you find just slightly annoying, who may have wronged you in some way,

or who you feel tense around for any number of reasons. Imagine looking into

this person’s eyes and hearing the sound of their heartbeat. Now, bring attention

to your own heartbeat. Keeping this person in mind, imagine sending to this

person these words, “May you fee loved. May you feel loved. May you feel love.”

Breathe in, breathe out.

Imagine looking at yourself in a mirror, seeing yourself

fully and wholly, acknowledging your joys and pains, your successes and

failures, your goodness and faults. Placing your hands over your heart space,

feel your heartbeat, feel your inner humanity. Listen to your heartbeat, hear

your inner humanity. Accept the value of your whole self. Now, imagine looking

into your own eyes and hearing the sound of your heartbeat. Say to yourself, “May

I feel loved. May I feel loved. May I feel loved.” Breathe in, Breathe out.

Aware of your whole body connection to yourself and all

living beings, move through your day aware of a greater love for yourself and

others. Thank you for meditating with me. Peace.

Written + Performed by Jessica Haessly

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About the Podcast

The Meditation Well
Mini Guided Meditations for All
Each of us is a container for sensation, thought, emotion, and whole-body experience. Through guided meditation we can gain access to a deeper sense of peace and calm that exists deep within each of us. The more we meditate, the more we draw upon the well of calm within, increasing our ability to manage stress, regulate emotion, and focus.

Jess guides each 2-10 minute journey, drawing on her yoga + mindfulness meditation background to help empower all meditators from beginners to long-time practitioners to invite into their week a moment of deep observation, calm, and rest.

Join Jess 3 times per week in The Meditation Well.

About your host

Profile picture for Jess Haessly

Jess Haessly

Jess is a Yoga + Meditation + Mindset Coach and Founder of Yoga Story in Appleton, Wisconsin. With 7+ years of teaching experience, a focus on mindfulness-based meditation, and a deep interest in the neuroscience and research behind yoga + meditation practices, Jess uses her knowledge, intuition, and soothing voice to empower individuals to find peace within even just for a moment.