Episode 16

Published on:

2nd Oct 2023

Episode 16: Mini Yoga Nidra + Book Shelf Imagery

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For more information on meditation, mindset, and mindful movement services Jess offers, visit www.yogastorynow.com.

Thank you for meditating with me today!

Meditation Script:

Find a comfortable place to be in your body, seated or lying down. Set your intention. Bring to mind a trait that you want to bring more to the forefront of your life. How do you want to show up in your day, for the people in your life, in the spaces you move through? Is your intention to show up with more love, empathy, peace, strength, confidence, humility, wisdom. Whatever your intention, however you want to show up, set that here. Now, letting that intention go, shift your awareness to where you may be holding tension in your body. Breathe in to notice, breathe out to let go whatever you can. Expand your breath. Fill up your belly with your breath as you breathe fully in, breathing fully out feel your belly pull gently in. Relax your face, shoulders, hips, fingers, toes.

Bring gentle awareness to thoughts and emotions. Notice what is without attaching any value judgment. Invite loving acceptance to wherever you’re at in this moment.

Mentally scanning the body, as you bring a moment of focus to each part, relax more and more whatever you can. Notice your toes, tops of your feet, bottoms of your feet, ankles, lower part of your legs, knees, thighs, hips, the sides of your body, armpits, shoulders, upper part of your arms, elbows, forearms, wrists, back of your hands, front of your hands, fingers, low back, belly, chest, mid back, upper back, neck, jaw, lower lip, upper lip, right nostril, left nostril, right cheek, left cheek, right ear, left ear, base of your skull, tip of your nose, bridge of your nose, right eye, eye lid, left eye, eye lid, forehead, top or crown of your head. Now, imagine you are seated in the most comfortable chair you have experienced sitting in, your body fully relaxed. A small bookshelf positioned next to your chair.

Imagine extending your arm and reaching your hand out to pull a book from the shelf. On the front cover of your book, you see your name written in your favorite color or colors. You open the book to see the word or phrase you have set as your intention. The book is filled with words and pictures that show you living this intention. You see the places you have touched, the ideas you have inspired, the people you have helped. As you flip through to the final page of the book, you see yourself at peace, happy with the work you have done. Imagine placing the book back in the shelf, fully relaxing into the comfort of your chair and closing your eyes. Letting go of this image, bring awareness back to the space you’re in. Feel your heartbeat, your lungs moving breath. Bring gentle movement to the body, finding a deep breath in, deep breath out. Gently blink open your eyes, moving from that empowered space of your intention into your day. Thank you for meditating with me. Peace.

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About the Podcast

The Meditation Well
Mini Guided Meditations for All
Each of us is a container for sensation, thought, emotion, and whole-body experience. Through guided meditation we can gain access to a deeper sense of peace and calm that exists deep within each of us. The more we meditate, the more we draw upon the well of calm within, increasing our ability to manage stress, regulate emotion, and focus.

Jess guides each 2-10 minute journey, drawing on her yoga + mindfulness meditation background to help empower all meditators from beginners to long-time practitioners to invite into their week a moment of deep observation, calm, and rest.

Join Jess 3 times per week in The Meditation Well.

About your host

Profile picture for Jess Haessly

Jess Haessly

Jess is a Yoga + Meditation + Mindset Coach and Founder of Yoga Story in Appleton, Wisconsin. With 7+ years of teaching experience, a focus on mindfulness-based meditation, and a deep interest in the neuroscience and research behind yoga + meditation practices, Jess uses her knowledge, intuition, and soothing voice to empower individuals to find peace within even just for a moment.